
Counselor:Welcome friends and citizens of Britannia...
Counselor:We have gathered here today to witness the Holy union of OrcishMAGE to kitty in the Holy covenant of marriage.
Counselor:Let us begin...
Counselor:Who doth give kitty to be joined in marriage to OrcishMAGE?
Counselor:The marriage covenant has held a place of honor in every society, even in the most ancient time of Sosaria, and has remained sacred to this day.
Counselor:When the first man was created, God has sensed that man needed a companion.
Counselor:God spoke to man and had said to him, "Tis not good for man to be alone, I shall fashion thee a companion."
Counselor:Woman was created to take her place next to man, to share with man and be by his side for all eternity.
Counselor:The Sages of old have recorded how God came upon his decision and reasoned thus;
Counselor:Woman should not have been created from a bone of man's skull, so that she might not have rule over him.
Counselor:Nor should woman have been created from a bone of the foot of man, so that he might not have rule over her.
Counselor:Woman was created from a bone taken from the rib of man, so that man and woman would live side by side, together as one, for all eternity sharing love, commitment, knowledge and caring for each other and live as one.
Counselor:OrcishMAGE, repeat after me thy vows...
Counselor:As we join together as one soul...
OrcishMAGE:As we join together as one soul...
Counselor:Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so
OrcishMAGE:Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so
Counselor:And thy people will become family to me
OrcishMAGE:And thy people will become family to me
Counselor:I will honor and love thee
OrcishMAGE:I will honor and love thee
Counselor:My spoken word is my bond to thine heart
OrcishMAGE:My spoken word is my bond to thine heart
Counselor:If thou were to die, my heart would die as well
OrcishMAGE:If thou were to die, my heart would die as well
Counselor:Until leaving this world in death, will we part.
OrcishMAGE:Until leaving this world in death, will we part.
Counselor:kitty, repeat after me thy vows...
Counselor:As we join together as one soul...
kitty:As we join together as one soul...
Counselor:Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so
kitty:Trust me not to leave thee, and ask me not to do so
Counselor:And thy people will become family to me
kitty:And thy people will become family to me
Counselor:I will honor and love thee
kitty:I will honor and love thee
Counselor:My spoken word is my bond to thine heart
kitty:My spoken word is my bond to thine heart
Counselor:If thou were to die, my heart would die as well
kitty:If thou were to die, my heart would die as well
Counselor:Until leaving this world in death, will we part.
kitty:Until leaving this world in death, will we part.

Counselor:OrcishMAGE, dost thou take kitty to be thy wife...
Counselor:to have and to hold in sickness and health...
Counselor:Dost thou promise to love, cherish and honor her as long as you both shall live...
Counselor:in this Holy union and the sacred covenant of marriage?
OrcishMAGE:I do
Counselor:kitty, dost thou take OrcishMAGE to be thy husband...
Counselor:to have and to hold in sickness and health...
Counselor:Dost thou promise to love, cherish and honor him as long as you both shall live...
Counselor:in this Holy union and the sacred covenant of marriage?
kitty:I do
Counselor:OrcishMAGE, what symbol of thy love and commitment dost thou bring?
OrcishMAGE:Marriage Ring
Counselor:kitty, what symbol of thy love and commitment dost thou bring?
kitty:Marriage Ring

Counselor:OrcishMAGE, repeat after me thy vows...
Counselor:This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee.
OrcishMAGE:This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee.
Counselor:kitty, repeat after me thy vows...
Counselor:This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee.
kitty:This ring I give thee to seal the covenant I make with thee.
Counselor:The citizens of Britannia have now heard thy vows to each other...
Counselor:let no one put assunder this Holy union of heart and soul.
Counselor:May Lord British bless this marriage and watch over thee.
Counselor:Go now, revel in the power of being a couple, trust and rely upon each other.
Counselor:By the power commited to me and by the laws of Britannia...
Counselor:I now declare that OrcishMAGE and kitty have joined as husband and wife.
Counselor:OrcishMAGE, you may now kiss your bride.
Counselor:OrcishMAGEさん、kittyさんおめでとうございます! 末長くお幸せに!
